Hel, helt, hele is describing something concrete and heterogeneous: An object that may be divided into non-identical parts. The closest English words would be whole, entire or unbroken.
N-words unknown form
N-words known form
T-words unknown form
T-words known form
En hel banan (A whole banana)
hele bananen (the whole banana)
et helt land (a whole nation)
hele landet (the whole nation)
Al, alt is describing something abstract (and therefore homogeneous) that can't be divided into different parts, for example fluids, materials or constructed abstractions as traffic.
N-words general form
N-words known form
T-words general form
T-words known form
Al mad (All food)
al maden (all the food)
alt smør (all butter)
alt smørret (all the butter)
Choose the right form of al or hel in the drop down list