Infinitive 1: With or without infinitive markerat (to)
Modal verb or no modal verb
Like in English, infinitive is used without the infinitive marker at (to) when combined with modal verbs. Infinitive without at is also used in object + infinitive constructions after verbs describing sensing and after the verbs at lade (to let) and at bede (to ask somebody to do something) - hover mouse over words in bold for the meaning:
No at: Kunne, ville, skulle, måtte, burde,turde,gide,behøve.
Jeg vil gerne smage din kaffe
(I would like to taste your coffee)
På søndag skal jeg arbejde.
(Next Sunday, I am going to work.)
Jeg kan svømme
(I can swim)
Jeg må gå nu.
(I must/have to go now)
Du behøver ikke skifte sko
(You don't have to change your shoes)
No at: Verbs for sensing: se, høre, mærke etc.+bede, lade
Jeg så ham løbe i parken.
(I saw him running in the park)
Jeg hørte ham råbe på hjælp.
(I heard him shout for help)
Jeg lod tyven gå.
(I let the thief go).
Jeg bad ham skride.
(I asked him to piss off.)
All other cases: at + infinitive:
Jeg har prøvet at lære grammatikken.
(I have tried to learn the grammar)
Han ønskede at blive prins.
(He wanted to become a prince)
Det er sexet at spille golf
(Playing golf is sexy)
Han gik uden at sige farvel
(He left without saying good bye)
Choose infinitive with or without at in the dropdown list.