Modal verbs 1 - ville or skulle?


Ville expresses 1) a want, 2) an intention (or a demand) 3) an opinion or a prediction. Ville is subjective – the intention or opinion etc. has not been planed or agreed upon – it is more feeling than fact.

1) Jeg vil gerne have en øl. (I want a beer)
2) Jeg vil løbe et maraton inden jeg bliver 40! (I intend to run a marathon before I turn 40)
3) Kierkegaard vil være for svær for dig nu - prøv noget Disney! (Kierkegaard will be too difficult for you by now – try some Disney!)


Skulle expresses 1) a plan, system, suggestion, instruction or agreement, 2) a promise/ an assurance – usually with nok, 3) the pattern behind a behaviour, 4) a common opinion or 5) a feared scenario.

1. Jeg skal i mudderbad i dag – det skulle du også prøve engang! (I will be having a mud bath today – you should try it!)
2. Du skal nok blive god til dansk. (You will be good at Danish. I can assure you)
3. Hvorfor skal du altid bøvse, mens vi spiser? (Why do you always have to belch during the meals)
4. Jeg har hørt, at H.C. Andersen skulle være god. (I have heard that H.C. Andersen should be good)
5. Jeg er bange for, at han en dag skal falde ud af vinduet. (I fear that he shall one day fall out of the window)

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Choose the right modal verb from the drop down list.
- Vi har aftalt, at vi i sauna i morgen - du med?
- Jeg på arbejde, men jeg godt en anden gang.
- Ok, jeg nok sige det i god tid næste gang.
- Tak, du have.