Modal verbs 2 - skulle or måtte?


Måtte expresses 1) A necessity in the sense: there is no other way out. 2) The only intelligible solution. 3) A permission/prohibition. Måtte is subjective and usually has an element of feeling/resistence: Jeg ville ikke i skole, men min far, sagde jeg skulle, og så måtte jeg gøre det. (This phrase cannot be translated into English without loss of meaning. It would be: I did not want to go to school, but my father said I had to and then I had to.)

1. Min cykel var punkteret, så jeg måtte gå. (My bike had a puncture, so I had to walk.)
2. Du må være Clintons bror, I har præcis den samme næse. (You got to be a brother of Clinton, you have got exactly the same nose.)
3. Du må ikke købe alkohol, før du bliver 16. (you are not allowed to buy alkohol until you turn 16.)


Skulle expresses 1) a plan, system, suggestion, instruction or agreement, 2) a promise/ an assurance – usually with nok, 3) the pattern behind a behaviour, 4) a common opinion or 5) a feared scenario.

When used about future situations, skal describes how things are outwardly organized.
1. Jeg skal i mudderbad i dag – det skulle du også prøve engang! (I will be having a mud bath today – you should try it!)
2. Du skal nok blive god til dansk. (You will be good at Danish. I can assure you)
3. Hvorfor skal du altid bøvse, mens vi spiser? (Why do you always have to belch during the meals)
4. Jeg har hørt, at H.C. Andersen skulle være god. (I have heard that H.C. Andersen should be good)
5. Jeg er bange for, at han en dag skal falde ud af vinduet. (I fear that he shall one day fall out of the window)

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Choose the right modal verb from the drop down list.
- Jeg er forkølet, jeg til lægen hurtigt!
- Han siger bare, at du tage en panodil og komme igen, hvis du ikke er rask om 2 uger.
- Jamen, jeg have noget medicin! Min næse er helt rød, og måske er det farligt!
- Du bare drikke noget kamille-te. I Danmark er alle forkølede om vinteren.