Modal verbs 4 - burde or skulle


Burde is an appeal to a moral or rational authority within you - in English expressed by should or ought to . Although burde exists in past tense it always has a present meaning. 1) Past tense expresses criticism of the present state, while 2) present tense in general terms describes how things should be in an ideal world.

1) Du burde besøge din far lidt oftere. (You should visit your father a bit more often!)
2) Man bør ikke få børn, hvis man ikke har tid til dem. (One should not have children unless you have the time for them.)

PLEASE NOTICE Skulle conveys no appeal in Danish, it is just a suggestion.


Skulle expresses 1) a plan, system, suggestion or agreement, 2) a promise/ an assurance – usually with nok, 3) the pattern behind a behaviour, 4) a common opinion or 5) a feared scenario.

1. Jeg skal i mudderbad i dag – det skulle du også prøve engang! (I will be having a mud bath today – you should try it!)
2. Du skal nok blive god til dansk. (You will be good at Danish. I can assure you)
3. Hvorfor skal du altid bøvse, mens vi spiser? (Why do you always have to belch during the meals)
4. Jeg har hørt, at H.C. Andersen skulle være god. (I have heard that H.C. Andersen should be good)
5. Jeg er bange for, at han en dag skal falde ud af vinduet. (I fear that he shall one day fall out of the window)

See The modal verbs - a description for a thorough description
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- du med hen til blomsterhandleren i dag?
- Nej, hvorfor jeg dog det?
- Valentines day! - En gentleman altid være betænksom over for kvinder. Du fx købe blomster til din kone meget oftere!
- Hvorfor du altid opdrage på mig? Du lære ikke at stikke næsen i mine sager!
- Jeg synes nu alligevel, at du prøve at købe blomster - det kan faktisk godt betale sig!