Almindelig, sædvanlig or normal

Almindelig means nothing special: ordinary/common/frequent.
  • Jens har et helt almindeligt job i en bank. Men hans kone er professionel bokser.Jens has an ordinary job in a bank. But his wife is a pro boxer.

  • Normal means in accordance with the norm: normal, sane.
  • Jens er ikke normal! Han elsker at bade i mayonaise. Jens is not sane! He loves bathing in mayonaise.

  • Sædvanlig means following the habbit: usual, habitual.
  • Jens sad på sin sædvanlige plads i bankens kantine og spiste sine økologiske marshmallows. Jens was sitting in his ususual chair in the canteen eating his organic marshmallows.

  • The scope of the exercise is to avoid overusing normal as adjective. Especially with human (and other) beings, normal in Danish will be a judgement of behavior or mental sanity.

    Choose (u)almindelig, (u)sædvanlig or (u)normal in the drop down list.
    Jeg var midt i min e morgenwhisky, da telefonen ringede. Præsidenten var blevet skudt!

    Nogle gange spørger jeg mig selv, om min mand er helt . Hver aften går han ud i garagen og synger godnatsang for sin bil.

    Kylling er meget som aftensmad i Danmark.