General (abstract), unknown or known form of the nouns

Unknown and known form are text tools. They have the same meaning so far that they refer to the same thing. But by using unknown form you indicate new information, while known form indicates that the information is something obvious for the reader/listener - either from the text or from the context.

In this phrase: Jeg tog bussen ind til kontoret. . (I took the buss to the office), the use of known form of bussen tells the reader that the buss is the one connecting home and office: the relevant buss. The term "known" is slightly misleading: The reader might not know the buss, but at least he should be able to figure it out.

In this phrase: På vej til kontoret så jeg en bus fuld af politifolk i kampuniform. (On my way to the office I saw a buss full of policemen in batledress) the use of unknown form tells the reader that the buss is something that breaks the pattern - a point of interest.

Write the words in parentheses in General (abstract) form (no artikle, no ending), unknown form (article: en/et/nogle) or known form (ending -en/-et/-ne). a T indicates a t-word (hus, et hus, huset) a N indicates an n-word (bil, en bil, bilen) and P indicates plural (biler, nogle biler, bilerne). For a description of the nouns:click here. Please notice that the adjectives might need an ending. For a description of the adjectives: click here

Engang havde (T: flyselskab) fundet på (N: rejse) , hvor fx (N: forretningsmand) kunne tage (N: kone) med til (N: særlig lav pris) , hvis han skulle flyve (N: lang tur) .
Efter (P: måneder) ville flyselskabet checke, om (P: kunder) var tilfredse med (N: rejse) . Så (T: selskab) sendte (N: mail) rundt, hvor de spurgte (P: koner) , hvad de syntes om (N: rejse) .
Over (N: halvdel) svarede: - (N: rejse) ? – Hvad for (N: rejse) ?