Passiv after modal verbs 4 - Må blive eller Må .......-s

Måtte about necessity

In general passive with -s describes an abstract proces - time and place unregarded - whereas passive with blive describes an event in time and place: "happen that...". The modal verbs all have more than one meaning and tend to have one meaning in combination with -s passive and another in combination with blive passive. The exercises forcus on some of the more common meanings, but do not cover all.

  • Må....-s describes a necessary procedure Din cykel må lappes, ellers kan du ikke komme i skole i morgen. (Your bike is punctured and need to be repaired, if not you can't gå to school tomorrow.)
  • Må blive describes a necessary consequence, a firm belief based on excluding other possibilities. Han må blive valgt - han er klart den bedste! (He must be elected - he is definitely the best!))

  • Choose the right combination in the drop-down list
    Kursisterne må engang imellem, når de arbejder med passiv. Passiv skaber passivitet.

    Du må da hver gang, der kører et tog forbi: Togene kører nærmest hen over din hovedpude! Hvordan kunne du finde på at købe en lejlighed lige op ad sporet?