Vil have is either a wish or a predition/judgement of a state:
Han vil have mere tid til sin familie. Han gider ikke arbejde så meget. (He wants to have more time with his family; he doesn´t want to work that hard anymore.
I næste uge skal han aflevere sit projekt, så han vil han ikke have meget tid til sin familie. (Next week he is going to hand in his project so he won´t have much time with his family.)
Vil få is the prediction/judgement of a change or developement:
Du vil få problemer med din tiger, når den bliver større. (You´ll run into problems, as your tiger grows bigger)
Jeg håber, vi vil få tid til at se Den Lille Havfrue igen, selvom vi har travlt. (I hope, we'll find time to visit The Little Mermaid again in spite of being busy.)
Du vil få nok af dine dreadlocks, hvis du får lus. (You'll have enough of your dreadlocks if you´ll have lice)